These check templates are provided to show the dollar value of TEEA Club, County Associations, District and State education and community service work. The templates can be filled in from the total reported on the Annual Report (Education Programs and Honor Roll of Counties). Sharing these “big checks” – they can be enlarged – is one way to acknowledge the dedication of TEEA to education and community service to their communities and stakeholders such as the County Commissioner’s Court.
Download Big Check (PDF)
(updated 09/25/2013)
Right the link and select “Save Target As…” or “Save Link As…” (depending on which web browser you use) to save the PDF file to your hard drive in the folder of your choice. After downloading the file to your computer, open the file, enter your information and you will be able to save the PDF file with your information filled in.

Cathy Hanzik, State TEEA President and Dr. Doug Steele, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Director display TEEA’s “Big Checks” showing the dollar value of TEEA’s Educational Programs and TEEA’s Honor Roll of Counties Volunteer Hours and Scholarship donations. These were presented at the 2013 TEEA State Conference in San Marcos, September 10.